Kanton x Vagantenbühne / 23.10.24, 20h

/w Circular Ruins x Oxi Peng, Lara Wehrs, Nitro & Perila

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Kanton lädt ein zu einer musikalischen Reise in die Kantstraße: In der Vagantenbühne performen junge experimentelle Künstler*innen auf der Schnittstelle von Klang- und Darstellender-Kunst, verfeinert mit Positionen aus Lyrik und Film.

Diesmal mit:

+ Circular Ruins x Oxi Peng
circular__ruins @pennybirdy

+ Nitro
minibrillito @dolphindream_

+ Perila

+ Lara Wehrs


Kanton invites to Kantstraße for a sonic journey, where Vagantenbühne becomes a symbiotic hub for experimental artists working in between Sound- and Performative Arts, combined with positions from Film and Poetry.
This time with:

+ Circular Ruins x Oxi Peng
circular__ruins @pennybirdy

oxi peng is a memory being that practices (embodied writing), creates (psychedelic poetry), and dreams (of pink tardigrade) softly. s/he/they/it/purr writes with darkness, water, sleep, yōkai, landscape, tentacles, bubbles, spirits, vulnerability and alien resistance of various kinds.

shapeshifting among realities, one may discover pieces of oxi in shuyi cao’s “as they folded in and breached out”; berglind thrastardottir’s “sunset peaches”; yenchun lin’s “here, a nut falls twice”; crosslucid’s “dwellers between the waters”; 33emybw’s “holes of sinian”, tianzhuo chen’s “trance”, and… www.yioupennypeng.com

Marijn Degenaar (aka. Circular Ruins) is an artist working within the fields of sound, moving image and performance. His work explores dreams and psychedelia, fabricating together nuances of tones, rhythms, and textures to facilitate hypnagogic travel. Interested in pre-modern magical practices, mythology and their relation to non-human intelligence, Marijn aims to create “openings” for different kinds of perception. He holds a MA of Fine Arts and Design from Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam. https://marijndegenaar.net/


+ Nitro
@minibrillito @dolphindream_

Cybermission and Xenia Reaper teaming up together as Nitro. Besides their releases on labels like INDEX:records they both also run their own labels Emotional Waves and Xenoplex. Their sound reflects a hazy blend of genres such as Ambi, Braindance, Breaks and Ambi-Techno.

https://xenoplex.bandcamp.com/album/xenoplex-02-global-biotics // https://emotionalwaves.bandcamp.com/album/emotional-waves-v-a-vol-3


+ Perila

Perila is a St. Petersburg-born, Berlin-based sound and visual artist, DJ, performer and poet exploring sensitive borderlines and depths of subtle matter. Her practice centres around textures, tangibility and spatiality of field recorded sound, raw emotions, voice, poetry, body and change. Music as a healing and transformative agent; an invitation to open other layers of engagement with reality by means of deep listening, observation, presence and mutual dialogue with an audience. 

Her performances and DJ sets are dense and intense narratives drifting through a rich sonic palette immersing a listener into a personal and sensual trip, while delicate poetry and soft voice breathe with a sense of closeness, desire and release. She aims to create other sound worlds to get lost and find oneself, to challenge and overcome boundaries and share this expansion with the Other.

Perila’s works have been released on Smalltown Supersound, Sferic, The Trilogy Tapes, Shelter Press, Longform Editions, Motion Ward, 3XL, Paralaxe Editions, Vaagner, Boomkat and Lillerne Tapes. She is the founder of WET: an online community featuring sensual podcasts with spoken word, poetry, ASMR, field recordings, and explorations of sonic sexuality. She is also a co-founder of radio.syg.ma.

https://zakharenko.es // https://perilazone.bandcamp.com/ //



+ Lara Wehrs